Monday, March 5, 2012

The Innocence Project

     I think I have finished my thinking capacity when it comes to this blog! I have no more ideas on what to write about to concerning this book. So I went on Mrs.Matsuda's blog page to see if any ideas would spark. Thankfully she posted things that we could have used in case we did have a brain fart. So I looked which one interested me the most. Then I stumbled upon the first link that she had posted there because it seemed interesting called The Innocence Project.
     So I clicked on the link and I checked it out and it definitely caught my attention. This project was founded around 1992 and have exonerated more than 250 people in the United States, including 17 who were at one time sentenced to death. The Innocence Project is a national and public organization dedicated to wrongfully convicted people through DNA testing and reforming the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice. If we take the situation that Jefferson is in and modernize it, what would have become of him? I believe that if it were today in day, he would have been convicted to death. However, I believe that The Innocence Project lawyers would be able to release him. Jefferson did not touch anyone and because of all the technology that we have he would have been able to be proven innocent if anything.
     Back in the day, many people were wrongfully convicted of crimes that the did not due. However now in day, technology is improving and many people are still being exonerated from their sentencing. Not only are they trying to help these people get out of their wrongful sentencing but they are also trying to have a policy reform. This is something that is very interesting and would have never stumbled upon if i did not see it on her blog.

1 comment:

  1. Sooooo interesting! Of course, all 6 of these posts are interesting. As your writing most reliably is.
